Executive Board

  • Matthew Miranda - Chair

    I joined BoCo Young Dems to help young people have a seat at the table when it comes to local issues and policy creation. Millennials and Gen-z are the largest voting bloc and yet I believe we are treated as inferior in the policy-making process. My goal as chair of Boulder County Young Democrats is to help give young people the opportunity to become more civically engaged. I want to uplift the voice of youth and empower my peers to become leaders within their community. I believe that it is time for us Young Democrats to take the initiative and become part of the change that we want to see in this world!

  • Berkeley Anderson - Deputy Chair

    Description goes hereI got involved in BoCo young dems because I’ve seen the collective power of young people in action on issues like gun violence prevention, the climate crisis, and more, and believe that being engaged, and sharing that path to engagement with others, is the best way to create a society that is healthier, happier, and more equitable.

    I got my start as a Young Dem in community organizing and in knocking doors for local Justice of the Peace, School Board, and congressional candidates in Texas and am excited to continue working to support candidates and issues that represent Young Dems’ priorities here in Boulder, CO.

  • Garrison Bennet, Treasurer

    Since 2010 I have done various get out the vote efforts knocking on doors, making phone calls, and talking with people on the street. One of the most common things I hear is "I wish I could get more involved." I believe BoCo Young Dems will help more young adults in the community get involved, and I'm happy to be a part of the conversation with them!

  • Michael Smith - Deputy Treasurer

    I joined the Boulder County Young Democrats because of my deep-rooted commitment to fostering positive change and advocacy within the political landscape. My experiences as a campaign manager for various political races, including the Brad Revare Denver City Council, Diana Romero Campbell Denver City Council, and Barbara McLachlan State Representative Campaigns, have given me a firsthand understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the political sphere.

    These experiences have underscored the significance of effective grassroots mobilization, community engagement, and the power of informed, strategic decision-making in driving meaningful policy changes. Starting at the University of Colorado Law School this fall further solidified my passion for understanding the legal underpinnings that shape our society and reinforced the importance of using the law as a tool for justice and progress.

    Aligning with the values of the Democratic Party, such as equity, social justice, and inclusivity, I believe that active participation within the Boulder County Young Democrats is a significant step toward realizing these values in practical, actionable ways. I am enthusiastic about collaborating with like-minded individuals who share a vision for a more just, equitable, and progressive society. Being part of this community provides a platform to channel my energy, knowledge, and passion into creating meaningful and positive change within Boulder County and beyond.

  • Brook Brockett - Vice Chair, Community Advocacy

    I joined the BoCo Young Dems because I think that it is vitally important for the future that young people get involved and stay educated. I spent most of my childhood being the only young person in a room full of adults and hearing them talk about the best way to shape my future. I want to make sure that the people with the most stake in conversations about the direction that we are going get to have more than a token voice. Young people have spent so long being systematically ignored, and I want to help start to shift that.

  • Nathan Fair - Deputy Vice Chair, Community Advocacy

    I joined the Boulder County Young Democrats due to my passion for advocating for young people in Boulder County. Throughout my life, I have worked to protect the environment, expand affordable housing, and keep our children safe. I am excited about all of the progress the Young Dems will continue to make in Boulder County on these issues and others.

  • Andrew Barton - Vice Chair, Policy and Legislation Analysis

    I joined the Boulder County Young Democrats to bring a voice to young people in Boulder County and create a space for us to get involved and make our voices heard. With so many vibrant, growing communities all across our county, I hope to make a political home for the countless passionate and deeply motivated young people all around us. As the largest voting bloc in Colorado, young people deserve a real presence in the political process – we deserve to have our voices heard on the issues, to advocate for our rights, and protect our freedoms.

    Democracy can only work for us all when we all have a seat at the table. I want to bring the voices of our mountain towns and eastern cities together; to bring Boulder County’s Hispanic and BIPOC voices to the forefront of our political conversations; and to make sure that all young Democrats feel like their Party reflects their needs and values. Politics is about community and connections – to me, leaning into our shared experiences and values to make change is what the Boulder County Young Democrats is all about, and is why I joined.

  • Riley Heger, Deputy Vice Chair - Policy and Legislation Analysis

    I joined the Boulder County Young Democrats because we young people are among the most deeply affected by Boulder County's issues in housing affordability, wages, and education, and the power of our voice must reflect this reality. Representing young people and their needs to the Democratic Party and the Boulder County community is a mission that I am proud to be a part of.

  • Whitney Adair, Vice Chair - Communications and Outreach

    I joined BCYD to cultivate a community of young people who share a commitment to making social progress. About a quarter of Boulder County's population is 20-34 years old, and we need to come together to make sure the priorities of the younger generation are represented and heard.